Thursday, January 11, 2007

My HunnyBunny is working late. It's almost 9:30 and he has been at work since 9 am. Poor Boy. This wasn't even a planned thing. His company seems to think they have slaves instead of employees. They start 3 projects at once and want all of them done ASAP. The reason he's working late tonight is because they decided at 5 pm that something just HAD to be done tonight. Something new. HunnyBunny had to design, code, test a whole process. He then had to wait for this person to drive from Langhorne to Pennsauken! Ugh! What a freaking waste of time. Now he's trying to show this guy how it works.

I wish HunnyBunny would get a new job. I know the IT market is tight but this is ridiculous. He never gets vacation. Every year he loses days at the end of the year. Ans even when he does take the day off, he spends it on the cell phone or his home computer working. The whole reason we have cable Internet is so he can work from home. I don't see why he doesn't expense it. I hate seeing him so stressed out. He's like a walking bomb. I'm so afraid that he's going to just explode one day and just walk out. I don't know what we'll do then.


Domestic Goddess said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Yippee! I'm adding you.
I hear you on the husband stress thing. Yikes. Hope it lightens up soon!

Happy said...

Have you talked to him about your feelings? Sweetness was like that for a while and I did share my feelings with him. It helped him to understand, although, I had a hard time truly understanding the type of pressure he was feeling at work (my job is low key). I don't know about HunnyBunny, but Sweetness would be short tempered and I kept wondering where the man I married went. It was a difficult time for me. I hope that you are handling it ok.

Does he want to submit his resume to Boeing? I don't know if they need IT people at this time (I can ask Sweetness how it works if you would like), but if he want to he could use Sweetnesses name.