Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Or something like that. Our New Year's celebration was a bust this year again. We had planned to pop into Rachel's for a bit and then head over to Chris and Deb's house. We have spent every New Year with them for the past 6 years. Except last year. I was starting labor and just didn't feel up to going out. Anyway, back to this year, Focus!!! So this year we were all set for a big night when Piglet woke up Friday night barking. What a cough! He has been horribly sick since then. Now Monkey, HunnyBunny, and I all have it. Woohoo. So there went the celebration. I think I hopped in the shower at 11:45 and got out when I heard the neighbors shooting guns. I so did not want to get shot while in the shower. Can you just see this headline?

I haven't slept since Friday night. Well, that's not completely true. I did sleep Sunday morning for nearly 3 hours and then today for almost 3. That's 6 hours of sleep in 5 days. I feel great! My butt and back hurt more than the lack of sleep. I have had to hold Piglet since this sickness began. He wakes up the minute I sit him down.

So I am hoping this isn't a sign of what I can expect from the new year. I hope this year beings us peace and happiness.

1 comment:

Tony Preston/John/Tink/Bunny-Butt said...

Cough Cough...I am NOT sick!

Hack Hack... OK... maybe a little sick...