Monday, November 10, 2008

Homeschooling Journey

So now that Nathan is old enough for Pre-K I suppose we are actually homeschooling. Sure he doesn't need to go to school for another 2 years but, all of the kids his age are in school. I don't know another 4 year old who is not in some sort of school unless he's homeschooled.

We started going to the homeschooling park days on Tuesdays and Fridays. Both boys love it. Those mornings they bounce out of bed! I've been reading tons of books and their advice is to go with what your kid's interested in. Well Nate seems to be interested in Wii, numbers, and zombies. I should try to make up a unit study on zombies.

So far today we made popcorn, bounced balloons, stuck ballons to the wall with static electricity, and watched some cartoons. Later on we will paint, sweep, mop and wipe down the kitchen. I'm sure Nathan will fit in some Wii and Oliver will swing some.

Oh and last night we made a little hammock for them that sits underneath their loft bed. It's only 5 inches off of the floor. They love it!

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