Friday, March 09, 2007

Oh Boy! Am I ever bitchy today!

Last night I got my first period since May 2003. I have been pregnant or nursing since then. I still am but it decided to come back anyway. Fertility has returned. It is so weird for me to have a period. I mean seriosly we're talking 4 years now.

It's such a big thing for me but who do you tell? Should I email all of the Flyladies? The East Coast Mamas? Do I call HunnyBunny at work? Does anybody really give a shit? No not really. HunnyBunny's response was, "shudder". Thanks asshole. Way to make a girl feel sexy. I'm excited. I feel I just got my first cycle all over again. Except DAd isn't here to hand over a $20 and say, " Good Job!"


Domestic Goddess said...

I care.
If it makes you feel better I haven't gotten one in six months. And I had one at 5 weeks BOTH TIMES after pregnancy, and I nursed exclusively and tandem nursed. What's up with that!
4 years is awesome. I am sorry you are bitchy. If I had $20 I'd give it to you!

Happy said...

I care too. Hey, you can run around your house singing..."I feel like a woman..."

Lucy T said...

See . .. you don't even have to email the flyladies . . looks like we all know anyway.
Did you take my period? Mine seems to be missing. Every month, it gets a little further out, jut enough to make me nervous and then shows up.
One good thing about you getting yours it that I was getting tired of reading your Feb 22 post over and over - almost felt like I was living out the movie Groundhog Day.